Live Chat Screenshots

Live Chat Screenshots

A Clean and Functional live chat tool for your website. Start today for free.

Live chat is a great tool used by many websites across the world. What makes ours different to the rest? Our platform is 100% web based, easy to use and quick to install.

Got a question? Let us know! Either click Start Chat or email

Our Main Chat Dashboard

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Chat Window Customisation

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An Active Chat Within The Dashboard

Best live chat software 2019

Example Chat Start Screen For End Users

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Other live chat features include

  • Real time visitor tracking.
  • User Geolocation, so you know where they are located.
  • Canned messages for quick replies
  • Auto replies for very common questions or phrases.
  • Customization of closed chat emails. Edit to match your business email template.
  • Easy to install HTML code.
  • Custom online and offline images.

+ Many more live chat features