IMsupporting Google Chrome Web App

google chrome app store logo

Please note, You currently need the DEV version of Google Chrome to install this APP.
For more information on how to enable Chrome Apps, Click Here

Googles Chrome web store Information [Here]




IMsupporting is now available via the Google Chrome Web App store.

download google chrome web app store Download:

[Click to download]


about google chrome apps About:

Imsupporting is a complete webbased live chat support software solution for websites.
While we DONT have a downloadable version of the software ( You can use it anywhere with internet anyway )
We do have a Google Chrome Application thats available for download.

The Google app store will be similar to the apple app store, However the "apps" you download will be installed to the Google
Chrome OS and to the normal Google Chrome WebBrowser.


google chrome chat application live support Additional Features:

While IMsupporting is available on ALL webbrowsers and all Operating systems, The Chrome App will have a few extra features.

- GeoLocation ( Find your operators )
- Desktop HTML5 Notifications

And some yet to be decided ones.

ALL these features will be made available to ALL other browsers in the future, However as Google Chrome supports HTML5
to a standard that we can work with, We will only port the "newer html5 features" to other browsers when they can support them.

NOTE: These "extra features" are only Beta features and may not always be available. ALL other normal features of the live chat software
will still be available just as if you were using the software with Firefox or Internet Explorer.


screenshot google chrome webstore Screenshots:

html5 desktop notification
Desktop HTML5 notifications ( These popup above ALL windows, Even if the console is minimised )

google chrome web app main page
Your google chrome desktop, Simply click "New Tab +" and click Imsupporting.


imsupporting chrome web app login screen
The IMsupporting login screen.